That's not nearly as shocking a reveal as what's happening in Sage Grove: basically, Vought is using test subjects there to figure out if they can stabilize the administration of Compound V to adult subjects, reliably creating superheroes. She even manages to earn a cordial invite from Billy Butcher to join them in investigating the Sage Grove Center that is of particular interest to Stormfront - though he says that it's primarily to use her as bait.Ĭentral to this episode is - after last week's shadowy introduction - the full-on reveal of Lamplighter (played by Shawn Ashmore, a guy who has been through the superhero trenches after three X-Men movies), who's working as an orderly at the Sage Grove Center. Starlight takes a few big steps in this episode towards becoming a full-fledged member of the Boys, getting her tracking chip removed (an operation that requires a really serious drill) and a sweet hug from Kimiko (who honestly is probably just grateful for the sight of a friendly non-dude).